Saturday, December 31, 2011

You know you're a grown up when...

This post is the beginning of a series I have lovingly titled "You know you're a grown up when..." (thanks, Amy).

This week held a lot of moments for me that had me wondering when exactly it was that I became a responsible adult.

First and foremost, I took my time looking for a decent replacement phone, I didn't rush into anything and I didn't re-up my contract just to get something new.  Hallelujah!  I have patience and thrift-sense!!  $20.50 for a nearly new phone with all the features I need/want.

Secondly, I could have spit nails because I locked myself out of the house on lasagne night, but I refrained from breaking a glass pane in our back door with an axe, even though I had a 3 hour wait until my husband would be home (missing my phone, remember).  There's just something about owning your own home that makes one far less reckless than they might have been in the past (I even unplugged the Christmas tree EVERY time I left the house).

And thirdly, I'm quite gladly staying at HOME on this NYE's night!  I'm thrilled to be at home with my boys and I am so looking forward to ringing in the new year with my true loves and waking up in the morning without a hangover. 

No matter how you choose to spend your New Year's eve, I wish you all a safe and happy holiday!! Out with the old and in with the new; bring it on 2012!!!

xo, Aleisha

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


I'm a bad blogger.  I can't believe it's been a whole month (and then some) since my last entry!  Let's tack that on to my self-improvement list for 2012, resolution #106 keep up with blog on a much more regular basis.

As you can tell by my title, in honor of the looming New Year, I've decided to list (out loud) the things that I would most like to improve upon in my life.

First and foremost, I will make a true and concerted effort to start doing these 30 things on a consistent basis. I read this blog post the other day and had a true light bulb/ah-ha moment.  I bookmarked it for myself to use as a reference when I get down in the dumps.  I think that everyone can benefit from applying at least one or more of these 30 things to their way of thinking and being.   

Secondly, I will exercise at least 3-4 times a week, not in an effort to lose weight (of course that's an added bonus), but in order to feel better. Currently, I feel older than I am and I'm not in good enough shape to run a mile without completely losing my breath.  This must change permanently.  Let me just say that I have already made huge strides toward achieving this objective so I know that with a little more effort and by allowing myself fewer excuses I will fully accomplish this goal.  Plus, moving feels so good!  How in the world did I allow myself to become so sedentary??  No more, I say.  No more!

Thirdly, I will do my very best to manage my time better.  That means I will make time for myself, my children, and my husband all separately.  There absolutely is enough time in the day to do all the things I tell myself I don't have enough time for, I simply have to do them.

People say that a habit can be formed or broken in 21 days, others say 6-8 weeks. I think changing a habit takes a day.  The catch is that in order to keep a healthy habit you have to recommit to forming said habit each and everyday for the rest of your life.  Will there be some days that you simply wake up and do what needs to be done without thinking about it?  Yes.  But just because you break or form a habit doesn't mean that you won't ever slip or struggle.  Knowing this to be true, in the upcoming New Year I will adopt the motto that the only way to fail is to quit trying. 

2012, I'm going to make you my bitch!

xo, Aleisha

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Pinning makes me happy...

If you've been wondering where I've been (probably not)... I've been pinning. A lot.

I'm sure by now that most of you are fully aware of Pinterest, but if you're not, do yourself a favor and go now.  You'll need an invite and you can request one, but if you don't receive one in your inbox with in a day or so send me your email address and I'll be glad to invite you. 

Pinterest has opened my eyes to a world of crafting, homesteading, cooking, humor, inspiration, helpful hints, tips, tricks, and so much more. This site makes searching the web for ideas, recipes, etc, so much easier - everything is right there and categorized!

The best part is that even though I've been online pinning like crazy, this site has actually improved my way of being. It has awakened something in me that has been dormant for quite awhile - my creativity.  Due to Pinterest, I've been organizing, planning, crafting, cooking, and doing super cool science experiments with the boys. Rather than simply following others statuses and wishing I was doing more, I am.  The site that initially sucked me in and rendered me useless due to sensory overload has amazingly gotten me off the couch and has me doing more and more and more!

I'm in love! (And so is my family)

xo ~ Aleisha

Friday, November 4, 2011

A Day of Beauty at the Salon

Today I went to Salon Carolina to see my sister and to get my beauty on!  I got my ususal: eyebrows waxed, a few foils, and a trim.  The boys were with me so they joined in and got their handsome on with some sharp hair cuts. 

As we all know, beauty is in the eye of the beholder or the beer holder (as my husband would say).  However, as I sat under the dryer waiting for my color to process, I flipped through a recent issue of Elle magazine and what I found with in the 200 pages or so was an amazing amount of "beauty". 

How is it that designers truly believe that emaciated, doe eyed, mussed hair models are the best ways to advertise their products?  And by products, I mean their ridiculously over the top clothes, shoes, make-up, and accessories.  All of the ads were exactly the same.  Every advertisement showcased a hungry-looking, he/she with too much make-up, ridiculous hair, ridiculous hair, and the same vacant look in every single picture which included big eyes looking off into space with "seductively" parted lips.  Missing from all these lovely pictures?  Smiles.  Not one.  Not even an ironic smile.  Everyone looked mad or sad.

I, for one, know that these ads make me want to rush right out and spend hundreds of dollars on a pair of Marc Jacobs sunglasses. (That's sarcasm friends).

Beauty to me is none of those things, but obviously it is to enough people that designers still find it lucrative to pump immense amounts of money into these so-called fashion magazines to get ridicoulously rich people to buy their products and to make the working class feel less than.  In consideration of all that our world is and the economic status of our United States of America, this is completely unfathomable that these ads are

Of course, my round, rosy cheeks, my big smile along with my awesome, in-place hair (thanks Adena) give me no leg to stand on (well really, I'm a little on the chunky side so that's not true, but still)  in regards to what is fashionable or fathomable.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Amazing Grace...

This post is for my boys, Lucas and Grayson, so that they might truly understand one day how much they mean to me and how they changed my life forever for the better.

In my younger days, my per-responsibilities days, I went to work sometimes and sometimes I didn't...Fridays or Mondays were if-y. I paid my bills mostly, sometimes I didn't.  I never ate on a regular basis, never.  And I very rarely loved myself, almost never.

Even after I met Brian who proved to be my rock during some very unstable times, I still didn't find value in myself as I should have.

Very likely, I valued myself as much or as little as many girls in my position that were battling self-esteem issues.  I never thought or felt that I was pretty enough, thin enough, smart enough or in general good enough.  Period.

I put on a good front.  I was generally cheerful, agreeable... I tried desperately to get along with everyone. Myself included.

Brian certainly helped to lift my self-esteem, he was definitely the ray of light to my darkness.

But, it wasn't until I had Lucas Ethan that I finally began to feel worthwhile.  I was put on this Earth to be the best momma I could possibly be to this little being.  And I was from the time that there was an extra line just barely visible on that little stick.  That was the point that I became a momma.  It was like breathing, it came so naturally.

I was this tiny being's protector.  And when my water broke at home at 11 o'clock at night on his due date, I was ready.

Mommy meets her first born

And then the next morning at 8:37 a.m. on 2/26/07, within a blink of an eye, there he was, wriggling and writhing, routing and nursing. He was my gift from God.

This love, this love was like no other love I had ever experienced.  I was no longer a tired, irritable, anxious person.  I was a "who needs sleep, have you seen this miracle?!?" person.  And he grew and he grew, and each day brought new wonders and amazement.

The first few days of his life were spent in the hospital.

IV antibiotics were delivered for 7 days after birth

When we all got to come home together he learned to coo, drool, smile, army crawl, scoot, put things in his mouth that he shouldn't and laugh out loud so big I thought he might stop breathing.  This all happened in what seemed like a matter of minutes.  He is wicked smart, you know.

We took trips to the zoo, the museum, and visited family every weekend just so they could get the proper dose of Lucas love on a regular basis and he grew more and more adorable day by day.

Always smiling
And on his first birthday...
Double chocolate heaven
We found out that we were pregnant with his soon to be sibling, and we were overjoyed!

Lucas continued to grow and so did I!  Lucas learned to walk, talk and sing his ABC's and I started to waddle, craved Moe's and developed baby brain.

Days before we our newest bundle of joy was born, we took a trip to the fair :)

We brought home some cotton candy :)

And took a jaunt to a pumpkin patch...

Notice how the 1 year old nicely camouflages the extra large baby bump.

On 10/26/08 labor began with baby number 2... only I didn't know it.  I labored all day with what they call "back labor."

Though my back pain wasn't extreme, the constant ache was enough to keep me awake most of that night. So, I paced the hall of our little home from 3 a.m. until 7 a.m., when finally, I couldn't take it anymore. I woke Brian up and had him call his mom to come get Lucas. 

We called our midwife as soon as the office opened and even though we had just been in two days prior she brought us in for another check. I was 3 cms dilated and 100% effaced and definitely contracting steadily. We got whisked away to the hospital at 9:15 a.m. and by that afternoon shortly after 5:00 p.m. we were holding our precious Grayson Elliott. 

He was practically perfect in every way. To have been blessed with one beautiful, healthy child and now this perfect little miracle... God is good. 

Our family of 3 was now a happy family of 4

Being discharged from the hospital went a little more smoothly than it had with Lucas, though just in time for Halloween, Grayson turned into a pumpkin.  His bilirubin was through the roof. 
 So we dressed him up like a glow worm :)

Slowly, but surely he lost his baby tan and we finally got to love and cuddle him properly, for more than just feedings.  He nursed like a champ and put on weight instantly.  He wouldn't sleep unless he was on my chest, so he and I slept sitting up on the couch for 3 weeks straight.  I didn't mind, my newborn and my living room was my world. 

Brian was more or less a single daddy to Lucas during that time. In fact, they stayed with my in-laws for a little over a week to quarantine Lucas because he got the flu. It was a bit distressing, but necessary.  

When we all came back together, the reunion was amazing.  Lucas warmed instantly to his baby brother and we fell quickly into our new routine. 

They've grown to love and annoy each other in that special way that only brothers can and they are without a doubt best friends. 

In just 13 short days we will have a 3 year old on our hands, and short 4 months after that, a 5 year old too.  

I'm amazed daily by how far we've come so quickly.  It all seems like only yesterday Brian and I were taking our first trip together as a couple and just beginning to fall in love.  Turns out it would be the lasting love of our lifetime.  And from our love would grow a beautiful family. 

Pigeon Forge, Tennessee 02/21/03

These boys of mine (my husband included) are my life, and God's light shines through them.  They are why I get up every morning, they are why I work to be a better person, they are my everything and I love them with every fiber of my being. 

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,  
That saved a wretch like me....
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now, I see.

T'was Grace that taught...
my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear...
the hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils and snares...
we have already come.
T'was Grace that brought us safe thus far...
and Grace will lead us home.

The Lord has promised good to me...
His word my hope secures.
He will my shield and portion be...
as long as life endures.

Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
and mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess within the veil,
a life of joy and peace.

When we've been here ten thousand years...
bright shining as the sun.
We've no less days to sing God's praise...
then when we've first begun.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,  
That saved a wretch like me....
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now, I see.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Lessons learned...

...And a movie review...

There are so many lessons to be learned everyday and I've been reminded of a very important lesson while watching Meet the Robinsons with my boys tonight; family is what you make of it.  Leave it to the wonderful world of Disney to make it so easily apparent. 

If you haven't seen this movie yet, I'll sum it up for you. 

***Spoiler Alert***

In this particular animated film an inventive boy is orphaned as a baby and after 12 years and several (124, to be exact) meetings with possible adoptive parents, the boy gives up on trying to please prospective parents and sets his sights on recalling the memory of his mother so that he can find her and reunite with the one person he is sure will love him.  In order to do this he puts all of his efforts into inventing a memory scanner that can pull a memory from his sub-conscience from a specific time entered into the machine.  Specifically, 12 years, 3 months and 11 days prior... the day he was given up. When he completes work on his machine he feels that the best place to unveil his new invention is at his school's science fair.  Little does he know that because of this memory scanner he will become one of the most successful inventors of the future.  And little does he know that one of his future inventions gone bad has come back from the future to stop him from being credited with this invention.  The second twist comes in when we find out that the boy's son has come back from the future too to help his dad become the person he knows he should be. 

As the story unfolds, the viewer is introduced to a number of colorful, unique characters from the future that capture your heart and make you laugh.  The stories turning point comes when the future family realizes that the boy from the past is their patriarch.  He must be sent back in an effort not to alter the space time continuum...obviously.  After all the ins and outs and back and forth, thwarted bad guys, and with the first lesson of the movie setting in that no matter what, you must always "keep moving forward," the main character finally gets the chance to meet the mother that abandoned him on the front step of the orphanage...and he chooses not to.  He doesn't need to meet her anymore. He knows that he already has a family waiting on him, he just hasn't met them yet. Or he has, but he doesn't know how they will all fit together. 

Finally, we end up back at the science fair and the boy unveils his memory scanner which works perfectly.  We also find out that at this same science fair, his adoptive parents find him and they are all exactly where they should be, just as they should be; together.  The movie closes with Rob Thomas' Little Wonders and scenes of a little boy who finally has a place and feels accepted.  

This was a wonderfully touching moving that pulled at my heartstrings and yes, I'll admit it, I cried.  I couldn't help myself.  I think that everyone has felt like they don't belong at one point or another and when you finally find a square hole to fit your square peg it feels amazing.  Family is what you make of it.  Family does not need to be blood born; blood does not define family.  Being together with those you love defines family, it doesn't matter where they came from or how you came to be together, all that matters is that you're together, happy, and love each other. 

Let it go, let it roll right off your shoulder
Don't you know, the hardest part is over?
Let it in, let your clarity define you
In the end we will only just remember how it feels

Our lives are made in these small hours
These little wonders, these twists and turns of fate
Time falls away but these small hours
These small hours still remain

Let it slide, let your troubles fall behind you
Let it shine until you feel it all around you
And I don't mind if it's me you need to turn to
We'll get by, it's the heart that really matters in the end

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Crisp air and cozy blankets...

Fall is one of my favorite seasons.  Fall for me equals crisp air, open windows, warm blankets, rich colors in the trees, pumpkins, sweatshirts, football, fair...the list goes on and on.

Our little family has been welcoming autumn with open arms.  The boys are in footie pajamas, cinnamon rolls are in the oven and my husband looks as though he's on a perpetual camping trip - always scruffy and a little disheveled. As for the house, all of our seasonal decorations are on display including fall themed doormats, pumpkins of all shapes and sizes, a scarecrow on the front porch and most importantly pumpkin and vanilla spice scents in every room.

Today, everything feels as it should be.  Our world is calm and at peace and life couldn't be better.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Missing pieces...

This is one of my days... one of THOSE days.  I'm fairly certain that everyone has these days from time to time no matter how perfect, how pristine, how nicely wrapped in a pretty little bow your life may seem on the outside.  Some days, some days are just not awesome. 

Not for lack of trying, today gave it it's best shot.  Really, it did.  This is the breakdown, only two people got under my skin, I bought myself some new make-up, celebrated my lovely nieces twelfth birthday, worked out, watched my favorite television show, put my sweet babies to bed. All in all,  not bad really. 

But for about a week now I have had a nagging feeling in the pit of my stomach that I'm missing out on something.  This happens every once in a while.  I don't know what it is I'm missing, but there's a longing, something inside of me that needs to be fulfilled. What's missing?  Will it ever present itself to me?  Will there ever be a point in my life when I feel full and put together?   I hope so.  Or at least I hope that these feelings of missing pieces grow fewer and farther apart as I grow "older and wiser."  (Yes, that's in quotations.) 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Flies on the wall

Little ears are hyper-sensitive to the words that come out of our mouths.  Little attitudes mirror our own.  And little brains are much smarter and much more receptive than we give them credit for.  Our children are the flies on the wall.  Be mindful of what you say.  Be mindful of what you do.  When you wonder why your child behaves a certain way, look to yourself and the way you behave.  Be honest with yourself.  Be truthful about your actions and your words and you may find that your child is a perfect replica of you.