Saturday, December 31, 2011

You know you're a grown up when...

This post is the beginning of a series I have lovingly titled "You know you're a grown up when..." (thanks, Amy).

This week held a lot of moments for me that had me wondering when exactly it was that I became a responsible adult.

First and foremost, I took my time looking for a decent replacement phone, I didn't rush into anything and I didn't re-up my contract just to get something new.  Hallelujah!  I have patience and thrift-sense!!  $20.50 for a nearly new phone with all the features I need/want.

Secondly, I could have spit nails because I locked myself out of the house on lasagne night, but I refrained from breaking a glass pane in our back door with an axe, even though I had a 3 hour wait until my husband would be home (missing my phone, remember).  There's just something about owning your own home that makes one far less reckless than they might have been in the past (I even unplugged the Christmas tree EVERY time I left the house).

And thirdly, I'm quite gladly staying at HOME on this NYE's night!  I'm thrilled to be at home with my boys and I am so looking forward to ringing in the new year with my true loves and waking up in the morning without a hangover. 

No matter how you choose to spend your New Year's eve, I wish you all a safe and happy holiday!! Out with the old and in with the new; bring it on 2012!!!

xo, Aleisha

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


I'm a bad blogger.  I can't believe it's been a whole month (and then some) since my last entry!  Let's tack that on to my self-improvement list for 2012, resolution #106 keep up with blog on a much more regular basis.

As you can tell by my title, in honor of the looming New Year, I've decided to list (out loud) the things that I would most like to improve upon in my life.

First and foremost, I will make a true and concerted effort to start doing these 30 things on a consistent basis. I read this blog post the other day and had a true light bulb/ah-ha moment.  I bookmarked it for myself to use as a reference when I get down in the dumps.  I think that everyone can benefit from applying at least one or more of these 30 things to their way of thinking and being.   

Secondly, I will exercise at least 3-4 times a week, not in an effort to lose weight (of course that's an added bonus), but in order to feel better. Currently, I feel older than I am and I'm not in good enough shape to run a mile without completely losing my breath.  This must change permanently.  Let me just say that I have already made huge strides toward achieving this objective so I know that with a little more effort and by allowing myself fewer excuses I will fully accomplish this goal.  Plus, moving feels so good!  How in the world did I allow myself to become so sedentary??  No more, I say.  No more!

Thirdly, I will do my very best to manage my time better.  That means I will make time for myself, my children, and my husband all separately.  There absolutely is enough time in the day to do all the things I tell myself I don't have enough time for, I simply have to do them.

People say that a habit can be formed or broken in 21 days, others say 6-8 weeks. I think changing a habit takes a day.  The catch is that in order to keep a healthy habit you have to recommit to forming said habit each and everyday for the rest of your life.  Will there be some days that you simply wake up and do what needs to be done without thinking about it?  Yes.  But just because you break or form a habit doesn't mean that you won't ever slip or struggle.  Knowing this to be true, in the upcoming New Year I will adopt the motto that the only way to fail is to quit trying. 

2012, I'm going to make you my bitch!

xo, Aleisha